TINCTURES - TONIC WINE HERB KITS Whole Herb Kits To Prepare your own Tonic Wines. Complete instructions included w/ every Herb Pack. |
SI WU JIU FOUR SUBSTANCE TONIC WINE A.K.A. FOUR THINGS, FOUR FLAVORS, DANG GUI FOUR Si wu Jiu Blood Tonic is the mother formula for all blood deficiency disorders. Si Wu Tang is the most famous and widley used tonice recipe in Chinese Herbalism. Drink 1 Cap, Dropper Or Tea Spoon 1 - 2 times per day as needed. Or as a 1 - 2 week regimen when the seasons change over. Traditionally 1 herb in the formula is doubled each season to address the bodies changing needs. This Herb Kit Contains Well Over 2 Ounces of Each of the 4 Herbs. Prepared in the Traditional Way. Much More Than Others offer. As another Option this is enough herbs to Brew 1/2 - 1 Gallon of Decoction (Tea, Juice Or Soup) By other sites Math this would be enough to brew 2 - 2 1/2 gallons of Decoction. Reducing Water and Herbs From 2 - 3 Gallons down to 1 gallon. Refrigerating and reheating for use. We do not recommend This method of preparation as the Decoction (Tea, Soup or Juice) can go bad and grow mold. This is why we offer this Herb Pack with enough herbs to make a very strong Tonic Wine that will last nearly forever. If you do not wish to consume alcohol (in very small amounts) we recommed brewing fresh herbs as a decoction each time they are used. Can be used in conjunction with Si Jun Zi Tang/Jiu (4 Gentlemen's Qi Tonic) for a Complete Tonic Formula for Blood And Chi (Qi) |
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